Sunday, May 20, 2012

Little did I know.....

Little did I know two years ago when I went to Rocktober Feast to support a friend, who's son was in need of a bone marrow transplant, that I would get a letter in April of 2012!

The letter arrived asking if I was still interested in being a donor, and that I was a possible match for a patient in need. I went online and updated my contact information like the letter asked. A couple of weeks went by and I didn't hear anything. Then I received a phone call.
Them: You have been identified as a possible match for a patient. Are you still interested in proceeding?
Me: Yes
I was asked to answer a health information form online and submit it.
That done I was left waiting again, wondering if I would be chosen. week later I got another phone call. This one confirmed me as a match for an adult male with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A time was arranged for a lengthy phone conference.
On May 9th I had my phone conference, I haven't talked on the phone that long since high school!
Step I: Last Monday (May 14) I went to a lab in Fort Smith for some lab work. The woman working at the lab was wonderful and in no time at all had taken 7 viles of blood from my left arm! I jokingly asked if I was going to have any blood left when she was done! The blood was sent to 3 different locations. Some will be tested for infectious disease (hope those are all negative), some will be used for further testing to insure that I
am the best possible match, and some will be kept on file for research studies.
Step II will take place this Tuesday May 22nd, I travel to Tulsa (I have recruited 2 great friends to travel with me! Thanks Ann and Lori) to meet with the Doctor to make sure I am physically fit to donate, and some more tests. EKG and chest x-ray.
Donation is set for June 5th if all goes according to plan!

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