This weekend I got to go on a little getaway! I went to Shreveport with my sister, my niece Haley and her boyfriend Stephen. Haley plays club volleyball, and had a tournament there this weekend. I try to go to one tournament a season, I enjoy the time away, and Like watching Haley play!

We left on Friday after school, and made it to Shreveport around 9:30, after a detour back to Greenwood, because Haley forgot her volleyball shoes! We had dinner at a steak place by our hotel, then Carrie and I headed to the casino! We were not there long! It doesn't take long to loose $5.00 in the quarter slots!!! Saturday Haley didn't play until 2:00 so we did some shopping at the boardwalk, it is a small outlet mall. After dragging Stephan to all the shops at the boardwalk we headed to a real mall. It was not the best mall, but we felt very safe.....there were security guards everywhere! Not sure that is really a good thing! I did find a pair of yellow box flip flops for $10! I am sure they are last years, but a great find!

Soon it was time for some volleyball!! Haley's team won 2 lost 1 on Saturday, that put them in the gold bracket for Sunday. Sunday didn't go so well. The girls lost their first match! I really enjoy watching Haley play! She plays libero for her team, which means she plays back row only and spends a lot of time diving for balls!
I am so proud of Haley, not only is she a great volleyball player, she is really smart! Between her book smarts and volleyball her future looks pretty bright! I cannot believe she is 17 and will be a senior next year!

Sorry the pictures are awful. I didn't take very many, and the few I did were horrible! I am so thankful I have a husband who encouages me to get away every now and then! Thanks Honey!
Glad you had fun! Welcome Back. . . to reality . . . tomorrow!